
Showing posts from July, 2021

How Does Bad Customer Experience Destroy Your Business

  A re you part of those who usually see customer service as just another cost of doing business? It should delight you that not only can this appear rewarding for your customers; it actually can impact your bottom line too. You can hardly get away with bad customer service except for the airline sector -maybe. It’s become an industry thing. Maybe you don’t know, but bad customer service may actually be wreaking havoc in your business in a hidden way you didn’t suspect. Aside from making it easy to turn prospects and new arrivals into loyal customers, there is a whole lot at stake you won’t even think of condoning. Here, let’s see! Bad Customer Experience Spreads Wider and Faster Even More than Good Customer Service It’s common knowledge that bad news spreads the most. In all honesty, this is the same with bad customer service. Research has shown that a lot of people would readily share their bad experiences with others much more than they are likely to share the good ones. While a...

Top Picks for the Best Customer Service Facts, Statistics, and Quotes

  T he digital revolution continues to cause notable changes and shifts in customer attitudes and expectations. While customer service teams are also expected to adapt and rejig their strategies to meet modern needs, it’s always helpful to have facts and figures available to help teams make informed decisions. Right below are some of our top picks for the best customer service facts, statistics, and quotes. Bad customer service will cost your business dearly! 50% of Americans would stop a planned transaction due to poor customer service.                American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer 33% of Americans say they may switch companies after a single bad service experience.                 A merican Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer Businesses in the US lose about $62 billion yearly due to poor customer service.    ...

Why Customer Care Services Matter in Healthcare

  I t is no surprise that customer care and support is one of the fundamentals of business growth and success nowadays. Not only does customer support helps with better business management, but it also helps with the provision of a better customer service experience. You may be wondering whether this is the same in the health sector, the truth is that   customer support is still very much needed here and in most others.  More Effective Patient Care Healthcare providers just like other businesses need optimum customer satisfaction to maintain growth and success. Customer support services in the healthcare sector are aimed at improving customer experience and satisfaction. Customer service center personnel are therefore needed to be quite familiar with patients’ needs. Having a team of skilled and experienced customer service personnel that can provide your clients with accurate information and details to better improve their well-being will be able to contribute signi...

Social Media Customer Support: 3 Things You Should Do And 3 More You Shouldn’t

  W ith  more than half of the world now on social media , you’ll be leaving too much on the table for your competitors if you’re not actively engaging and supporting your customers on these platforms. But this is not something you approach without a clear strategy. In today’s post, we discuss a few things that will make your social media customer support rock as well as a few things that could quickly mess things up. 3 Things to do When Developing a Social Media Customer Support Strategy 1. Develop an ideal workflow. Handling social media seems all too easy until you’re caught in the web of chaos and unproductivity that won’t help you get much done. Before you jump at this, map out a workflow that carefully analyses your goals and objectives. These include answering questions such as the expected amount of inquiries you expect to take, how you intend to bring your brand identity to your support, who gets the autonomy to answer questions - could be you or a different point per...

Implement Efficient Customer Support With One Contact Center

  I f you’ve decided to commit efforts, time, and resources to customer support, it just might be the beginning of a new era of success for your company. But while you’re worried about the high costs of setting up an in-house customer service infrastructure and maintaining a team, you’ll find that outsourcing your customer support services makes much more sense. The challenge here is that not all support agencies are equal. And it takes only a reliable and reputable agency like One Contact Center to help you implement world-class support without breaking your budget. Wondering how this works? There are several steps involved; 1. Start off with a plan. Your customer support should be built for success from the start. That’s why you need a plan, to begin with. OCC offers a range of support services that range from phone support to chat, email, etc. You’ll need to have a strategic plan that will be tailored to meet your specific business needs. Having a plan and strategy will help you...

Simple Psychological Tricks and Ways You Can Use to Get More Customers

  With so many customers purchasing your product or services, it’s almost impossible to get to know everyone on a personal level. Good news! You can leverage on proven research on consumer behavior. We are all different, no doubt. But somehow, we are mentally configured to respond to certain instances in similar ways. For the 10 simple secrets, here we go! 1. Paralysis by Analysis in Consumer Behavior   “Would you be kind enough to help by giving a donation?”  OR “Would you be kind enough to help by giving a donation? Every penny will help”   Research has shown that more people would be willing to give in to the second sentence. When you simplify actions and set minimal parameters, it ultimately eliminates analysis paralysis that comes from over-thinking or over-analyzing, a situation that often causes prospects to end up not taking any action. 2. Internal labeling Can Be Quite Powerful  We aren’t talking about brand labels here. Rather, we are advocating labeli...

Reasons Why You Need Outsourcing Services

  More and more businesses are now relying on outsourcing services to get work done in a way to ensure that productivity and efficiency do not suffer. Running a business involves several bits of large tasks and includes both administrative and non-administrative tasks. Companies have to be fully serviced on all fronts and oftentimes you simply can’t hire enough people to get everything done.   Outsourcing services are needed in this case to fill the void that would have been left with the shortage of either human resources or simply time scarcity. If your business will record significant processes, you’ll surely need to outsource some services. Outsourcing agents will  help oversee this to ensure the company remains on the path to success. In today’s blog, we’ll be treating three of the most important reasons why your business would need the services of outsourcing agents. Let’s see.   Outsourcing Services Are Affordable and Will Save You Money   It’s always har...