How Does Bad Customer Experience Destroy Your Business
A re you part of those who usually see customer service as just another cost of doing business? It should delight you that not only can this appear rewarding for your customers; it actually can impact your bottom line too. You can hardly get away with bad customer service except for the airline sector -maybe. It’s become an industry thing. Maybe you don’t know, but bad customer service may actually be wreaking havoc in your business in a hidden way you didn’t suspect. Aside from making it easy to turn prospects and new arrivals into loyal customers, there is a whole lot at stake you won’t even think of condoning. Here, let’s see! Bad Customer Experience Spreads Wider and Faster Even More than Good Customer Service It’s common knowledge that bad news spreads the most. In all honesty, this is the same with bad customer service. Research has shown that a lot of people would readily share their bad experiences with others much more than they are likely to share the good ones. While a...