
Showing posts from October, 2023

Customer Service Facts, Statistics, and Quotes to Take Note

    T he digital revolution continues to cause notable changes and shifts in customer attitudes and expectations. While customer service teams are also expected to adapt and rejig their strategies to meet modern needs, it’s always helpful to have facts and figures available to help teams make informed decisions. Right below are some of our top picks for the best customer service facts, statistics, and quotes.   Bad customer service will cost your business dearly!   50% of Americans would stop a planned transaction due to poor customer service. ( American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer )                33% of Americans say they may switch companies after a single bad service experience. ( A merican Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer )                 Businesses in the US lose about $62 billion yearly due to poor customer ...

Things to Consider When Outsourcing Your Business Call Center Services

  T he customer service management department is very important to any company or business regardless of the size. Therefore, your decision to outsource your business call center needs is a very sensible decision. One must keep in mind once you hire a provider, their service will be the link of contact between your business and your customers. This bond, if faded in any way, could lead to the downfall of one's business. Therefore, hiring the right call center company is very important. Though outsourcing your call center operation can be a great move for your business, if done incorrectly, it can be a painful mistake. Therefore, here are some things to consider to make sure that the call center outsourcing is successful.   Location Finding the best and  most  affordable call center company   is also finding the best location where the company is located. Location is incredibly important in your search for a call center company because it affects many other aspec...

10 Ways to Show Your Customers Appreciation Besides ‘Thank You’

  I f you’re in the customer service business which I believe everyone actually is in, you probably wouldn’t miss the best opportunities to show gratitude to the customers who are the lifeblood of your business. If you’re looking for quirky and memorable ways to do this, this blog post will show you 10 amazing ways to appreciate your customers beyond ‘Thank You’.   1. Going the Extra Length We’ve heard of beautiful customer service stories told by customers who have been wowed or delighted by a customer service experience that was way out of the ordinary. You can try this too. If you’re lucky, such customers, their friends, acquaintances, or social media may help tell your story.   2. Making Personal Notes Still Work This old-school method has been proven time and again to have great impacts when it comes to showing appreciation. People like receiving real mails and your effort will most likely be appreciated. You should, however, try to make it as personal and specific a...

Why Excellent Customer Care Matters in Healthcare

  I t is no surprise that customer support is one of the fundamentals of business growth and success nowadays. Not only does customer support help with better business management, but it also helps with the provision of a better customer service experience. You may be wondering whether this is the same in the health sector, the truth is that   customer support is still very much needed here and in most others.    More Effective Patient Care Healthcare providers just like other businesses need optimum customer satisfaction to maintain growth and success. Customer support services in the healthcare sector are aimed at improving customer experience and satisfaction. Customer service center personnel therefore needed to be quite familiar with patients’ needs. Having a team of skilled and experienced customer service personnel who can provide your clients with accurate information and details to improve their well-being will be able to contribute significantly to pat...

OCC Tips: Unlock Your Innate Creativity with these Tips

  F inding an inner drive to stay motivated for real success can be quite challenging. The tips below will, however, help inspire your innate creativity!   1. Embrace and Hone Your Natural Talents. Everyone has some form of innate creativity. It will, however, take some actions or occurrences to ignite the sparks of creativity in us. While we’re holed up inside due to social distancing, embracing and honing in on your natural talents can help boost creativity that can spill into other areas of our lives. Whether you like painting, playing the piano, writing poetry, etc., you can consider trying your hands on any of these things to pick up where you once left off.  With significant consistency and accountability, you’ll be surprised at the results you can get.   2. Experiment with New Ideas. Experimentation and inspiration can give birth to moments of creativity. While you’re separated socially, you can consider experimenting with your ideas, inventing new things, or ...

The 3 Pillars of Customer Experience You Should Stick To

  C ustomer service is such a big deal that it could make or break your business. Poor customer service can cost you both current and prospective customers and the ROI on great customer service can mean a lot to your business’s bottom line. While we’ll agree that customer service continues to evolve at an incredibly high pace, there are three main pillars of excellent customer service that will determine what the customer experience feels like. These are;   Your staff Your products/services, and Your customers   #1: Hiring for Customer Service Your staff is the bridge linking your customers with your products and services. If the bridge is broken, you sure know that customers will find it difficult to come on board. From the receptionists at the counter to the contact center agents handling customer complaints and inquiries, everyone must be working on the same page to achieve the same end goal of delighting customers and prospects with excellent customer service experien...

How Do You Deliver Fast Customer Service?

  Email is no doubt a life-saver in customer service especially when time is of great essence. But what do you do when everything seems crazy and you have too much that needs to be done right away? Here are some tips that will help you deliver effective customer service even when time may not be in your favor. Invest in self-service You have to give customers the power to solve their problems because they want to. Focus on providing on-demand self-service support such as a robust knowledge base so they can solve some of their most common problems without having to join or lengthen the queue.   Under-promise but over-deliver Auto replies are great. But when you send auto-replies that you’ll respond to their queries or requests within 24 hours, you should make a follow-up and respond within about three hours. Customers like it when you do this!   Be proactive and anticipatory with service delivery You don’t have to wait until you’re asked, saved replies, tagging, triage, an...

When Is the Right Time to Outsource Your Customer Support?

  Y ou may not have known, but companies outsourcing their telemarketing services are at an advantage over their competitors who aren’t. Your telemarketing services should not necessarily be confined to the premises of your business premises. Today’s rapidly advancing technology has made remote working easier and if there is something very amazing that this brings, it is the ability to outsource several non-administrative tasks and functions in your company to professional outsourcing firms. While you may choose to manage your telemarketing services as well as call center services within your business premises, most times, it is always a better option to outsource so you can enjoy the great benefits that come with this service. If your business is showing the following signs, you should know the time is just ripe enough to delegate all of your telemarketing services to a professional telemarketing service provider.   When your leads are poor and the RPI is not impressive ...