Diversity and Inclusion: Building a Strong Workplace Culture
T he best companies continually strive to create a diverse and inclusive workplace where people from all walks of life feel at ease. As it turns out, creating HR and recruiting teams has a pivotal role to play in ensuring D&I cuts through every aspect of the organization. Why is this necessary? Well, data from reliable sources suggest that; -- As much as 67% of job seekers prioritize workplace diversity as a key factor. -- About 50% of current employees would like to see their employers do more on diversity. -- Higher female representation in C-suite level positions may generate up to 34% more returns for shareholders, according to research by Fast Company. -- Organizations with higher-than-average diversity may report up to 19% higher innovation revenues, according to Harvard Business Review. Above all, isn’t it the right thing to create a workplace that promotes fairness, equity, and respect for people of all races, gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, gender, language, etc...