Things Customers Wish You Knew About Them
U nderstanding your customers will help you tailor your service to meet their growing expectations. While there’s no general blueprint for understanding customer behavior and expectations. Researchers in the field of social psychology have proved very helpful in this regard. Check out some of the revelations that have been uncovered with these studies. 1. Good service is better than fast service. Nobody loves waiting till eternity to get their problems resolved but more customers prioritize the value of a good service over speedy and rushed services. Studies have shown that customers are still more likely to pardon slow service than they would for rushed, rude, and seemingly incompetent service. 2. Customers value personalized services more. Customers love being appreciated and valued and personalizing your services is a great way to get them to feel valued. This is especially great for small businesses that can easily get to know their customers. A stud...