Should You Outsource or Build an In-House Team?

 In-house data centre vs outsourced data centre: pros and cons

When the pandemic struck and the global business economy was thrown into turmoil, the priority for most businesses was how to cope and survive in the new uncertain business environment. Now that we’ve learned to cope, the focus has shifted to thriving in the new post-pandemic world.

One thing is certain. Businesses need new capabilities to face the new normal.

In the face of this challenge, many organizations now rely on external agencies/partners to handle the things they otherwise can’t do in-house. This is especially true for telemarketing. And in this post, we’ll dig deep into the details of whether to outsource your telemarking needs or focus on building an in-house team.


Telemarketing Costs

Many of the clients we take on here at One Contact Center usually have previous experiences with their own in-house telemarketing teams. This is because of the misconception that building your own team is often always cheaper. In the true sense of it, this is much more expensive.

In a recent blog post, we discussed how contact center outsourcing helps drive revenue and increase profitability. Because you have the team sitting within the four walls of your office, the desks, phone, technology infrastructure, and other things, the huge capital investment needs, everything adds up to increase your true cost per unit.  


Product Knowledge and Better Customer Interactions

There’s no denying that an in-house team within your agency will have better knowledge of your company’s product and services than any external agency ever will. But we tend to overrate the importance of product knowledge as regards customer interactions, especially when it borders on whether or not to outsource.

The truth is the contact center team does not have to know your products and services A to Z.

They only need as much as they can to make impactful impressions on prospects by steering the conversation toward how the product benefits their business needs. This is the key to keeping customers engaged and interested in any product and service. This does not mean that robust product knowledge does not have an advantage. Of course, it does. But even the most knowledgeable agents will miss out on excellent opportunities if they’re more motivated to talk about products rather than listen to customers to shape the conversation around the customer’s needs.


Ease, Control, and Flexibility

We’ve grouped all three because they are intertwined.

Businesses want to have everything easy. The same goes for the flexibility of their telemarketing processes as well as having a level of control. Both outsourcing and vice versa have varying levels of control. While you’ll need to scale up or down with an in-house team to accommodate your needs, external telemarketing agencies offer better flexibility and ease to support overflow, for instance.

With control, it’s often difficult for in-house teams as most often lack the tools and resources to manage their telemarketing campaigns as most telemarketing agencies do. In a way, they find it challenging to control the process since there are no effective ways to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.


The One Contact Center Approach


Here at One Contact Center, we have better control of our processes since we often measure performances against benchmarks. We also provide a transparent report so our clients can get insights into the workings and results of these processes.

Monitoring and management of your telemarketing efforts are crucial to long-term success. It’s our way of knowing what works and what doesn’t. This knowledge helps ensure our clients can expect the best possible ROI on their telemarketing dollars.

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.
